On the top of Serbia, in inspiring environment of Kopaonik Mountain, top internet authors from the region shared knowledge and experience. Blogomania 2013 showed that they are more physical than virtual beings, not taking into account some thoughts. Dave Trott, from Great Britain, the biggest star of Blogomania 2013, opened the conference with successful keynote, which draw attention of more than 550 people.
During four days of the conference, more than 950 present participants and 3.500 live stream spectators try to find answers to crucial questions – what is “good content” and “how to create it”. Moreover, lecturers presented good creative practice examples from the region. Over 80 lecturers generated 40 hours of the official program.
Thus, the aim of Blogomania 2013 was an exchange of regional and international experience in successful stories and good content creation, both from individuals and from corporate level. Overall reflection was that this task was fulfilled, even over expectations.
Blogomania was prevailing topic on almost all social networks discussions and regional internet, for a few weeks. In addition, traditional media have given significant scope on the conference. The numerous articles were published on RTS, Studio B, Pink, Prva, TANJUG, Privredni pregled, Danas, Kurir.info, Blic, Alo, B 92, Pressonline, Ekapija, City magazin, Vrele gume, Prosvetni pregled, Tech & lifestyle, Viblia, Telegraf, Mondo, Naxy, Marketing mreza, Personalmag, 24sata, Smedia, Radio Pink, Beograd 202, Radio Novosti, Naxy radio, Svet, Netokracija, Marketing ITD, Nadlanu, Grazia and many of others.
In addition, around 2.400 different authors created more than 12.000 notifications on the social networks, regarding Blogomania 2013. Even 1264 pictures, with topics on Blogomania 2013, have been uploaded to the Instagram social network. Some of tham are in our gallery.
Among lecturers, the most prominent impression to spectators has made Srđan Erceg, followed by Dave Trott. Performances of Miloš Čirič, Željko Ptiček, Goran Jankulovski and Ivan Ćosić also were remarkable. Workshops held by Ivan Rečević, Hrvoje Hafner and Nikola Vulević were distinguished. Among women, Branislava Antović and Zorana Jovanović were the best. All „Kings of content“ have got good marks, with a slight advantage of The Books of Knjige and Braća Burazeri.
NIIT and Simplicity proudly supported Blogomania 2013. As we stated, blogging is a way of our life and thinking. Freedom of expression and creativity should be of high priority. Therefore, our conference for 2013 is over, but we will prepare much better for 2014. See you there!
Blogomania 2013 Statistics
Share of male and female was almost equal – 53% male, 47% female.
The uppermost age groups were 25-30 years and 30-40 years (16-20 – 1%, 20-25 – 13%, 25-30 – 34%, 30-40 – 40%, 40-50 – 9%, 50+ – 2%).
Participants evaluated Blogomania 2013 with average mark 4, 22 out of 5 (excellent 35%, above average 47%, average 15%, without below average and low marks). In addition, 99 % declared their will to participate on some future event with same organization.
More than half participants followed program in the main hall (53 %), 28 % attended workshops, and 19% was present at “ladies hall”.
The most participants attended 10 and more lectures (36%), (All/almost all -22%, more than 10 – 36%, from 7 to 10 – 20%, from 5 to 7 – 16%, from 3 to 5 – 5%, from 1 to 3 – 1%, not at all – 0%.
Regarding gadgets, smart phone device has 93% of participants, laptop computers 92%, tablet 34%. The conference locations have got average mark of 4,49 out of 5, lodging 4,49 out of 5 and lectures halls 4,01 out of 5.