All project activities are implemented in the line with project goal and through continuously communication and cooperation between lead organization and partners. In order to ensure timely coordination and monitoring, we made a plan of project implementation with clear roles and obligation. During the project implementation, the lead organization initiated a Skype calls and e-mail communication with all journalists and partner organizations with the aim to ensure the effective implementation of project activities. Having in mind that we prepared a set of different journalistic articles based on previous research about journalists’ work condition, our process of publication articles sometimes depends on our speakers or sources and their schedule.
Through first project activities – research talks with journalists and editors from Western Balkan countries as well as the publication of journalistic articles, our results are raised awareness on the conditions in which journalists from Western Balkan countries operate. Through these actions, we illustrated the importance of addressing media problems immediately in order to demonstrate the key role of media freedom in the challenges of the rule of law reforms in the region. Established our cooperation as a strong regional media platform, our colleagues – journalists from Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia can safely share their experiences about the different pressures and forms of violence they are targeted with, the lack of workers rights and the effects of the links between media and center of powers.
Our project is focused on working rights which includes all sets of values you are mentioning. Working equality means gender equality and equal opportunities, needs of disabled people, rights of minorities… Working conditions are closed tight to every social group in society and it deeply affects their ability to have a life with dignity.
Preparations of the project, meetings and talks how to organise interviews, write articles, film people for video story and to preapare publication on all languages with regional view.
Till the 10th of April we published main article with regional insight in to the situation, published in 4 countries who are participating in the project, and also in media outlets not connected to it. We sent the links.
We also published till now 11 articles in mother language.
Our first text on regional level was taken in most important independent regional media (links below).
We shared all our texts on our pages, and also macedonian texts are translated to BCSM language and published on kontrapress.com. We will in future share regional themes also on page of Journalistic network.
First regional text:
“This project is funded by the European Union through the small grants programme “ProtectingMedia Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans” implemented by the Croatian Journalists’ Association as part of the regional project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, carried out through partnership of six regional journalists’ associations – Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS), Association of BH Journalists (BHJ), Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM).”