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The biZbuZZ Conference

NIIT Center is the founder of the biZbuZZ Conference, one of the biggest professional conferences dedicated to Internet business in the Balkans. The biZbuZZ focuses on e-business, online corporate presence and online marketing in general. The main goal is to promote youth e-learning, protection from online misuse, and gender equality.
NIIT Center is founder, organizer and implementer of the biZbuZZ Conference. We proudly hosted representatives of Internet Service Providers, media, the Ministry of Telecommunications of Serbia, local and national authority structures as well as web and online professionals.
The idea for the biZbuZZ Conference come from huge grow of internet marketing and advertising, including Twitter’s and Facebook’s influence. Today, everyone could understand the power of the internet. Beck in 2006, Serbian public and business sector did not have a full sense of the future internet development and its opportunities. Hence, NIIT Center organized the first Conference, named IT Seminar. The response was excellent-more than 600 persons visited the Conference. Moreover, conclusions and ideas from the Conference were spread through the internet, with good reaction.
The second biZbuZZ Conference was organized in 2007. The main topic was Internet marketing and corporate site profitability. Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association (EESTEC) – Local Committee Nis and Chambers of Commerce were the Conference partners. Participants came from ex Yu countries and included more business persons than the first conference.
In October 2008, the third biZbuZZ Conference took place in Nis. The topic was “Web content: importance and managing”. This year’s conference was opened by Minister of Telecommunications of Serbia, Jasna Matić. The most important events were panel discussions about information society in South Serbia and web content.
The fourth biZbuZZ conference was organized in October 2009, with the municipality of Palilula/Nis support. The lecturers, professionals in online business, presented several case studies and share own experience with the participants.
The biZbuZZ Conference organized in 2010, gained the highest interest of participants, media, IT professionals and lecturers. Some experts online business comes from Croatia and Slovenia. The topic was “Internet Sales”, with two main events-round tables: “Opportunities and Barriers for E-trade in Serbia” and “Blogosphere, nutrition=health and sport”.
The sixth biZbuZZ Conference was organized in November 2011, with topics related to internet services, tools and philosophy, necessary for modern business. The main topic was “The Mobile Content and Business”. Serbian mobile network operators (Telenor, MTS and VIP) organized own presentation days. The panels were dedicated to the political marketing and internet trade in Serbia.
The main importance of the biZbuZZ conferences was in connection creation among economy, enterprises and fast growing business opportunities on the internet. The conferences gained a lot of attention from media, marketing professionals, and public relations companies. The biZbuZZ conferences opened a new era in the Serbian internet market and offered new solutions for business.
In figures, six conferences, 180 lecturers, 7 panel discussions, more than 2000 participants both from Serbia and abroad and over 100 biZbuZZ friends and partners. More important than the figures are relations and knowledge, broaden over Serbian society, related to the internet edge.