Blogomania 2012 Largest Internet Oriented
conference in the region withmore that 500 participants

Blogomania 2012, regional conference dedicated to blog and bloggers, was held on Stara Planina, from the 7th to 9th December. Blogomania gathered bloggers and their allies from the region.
The main topic was an influence of blogs and social media on public and political life in Serbia and the region. Moreover, the conference program was tailored for different levels of knowledge, experience and interest. The blogs were in focus, but use of other social media was discussed. One of the most important segments was socialization and “live” networking among current and future bloggers and their supporters and followers.
The blog is a media channel with huge influence on broad public opinion. Furthermore, bloggers offer independent and free expression of thoughts concerning so many topics. Hence, there is a specific blogs relation with “traditional” offline and online media. Such powerful tool becomes most prominent individuals and companies’ promotion form. Blogs and social networks develop into PR experts best friends.
Blogomania 2012 causes reaction, stirs up emotions and enhances communication. The conference has huge popularity among bloggers brotherhood and their followers, before, during and after the event. So, Blogomania managed to gather more that 500 Internet professionals and we think Blogomanija 2013 should be organised in bigger place.
See you all there!