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Blogomanija 2013

Blogomania 2013 took place on Kopaonik Mountain, Serbia, from November 28th to December 1st. The Blogomania 2013 main topic was online content, in all various forms and uses – blogs, digital marketing, public relations and social networks. Therefore, the conference was covering Internet creativity at large.
The main idea of Blogomania is to gather international and regional bloggers and creative internet authors. As one of co-founder, NIIT strongly supported this idea on Blogomania 2013.
This year, the content and topics related to it were in focus. Lectures and workshops offered answers for such questions as “What is good content” and “How to generate content”. In addition, the conference was an opportunity for sharing good creative practice examples from the region, both from individuals and from corporate level.
More than 950 participants took part in 40 hours of official programs, shaped by 80 lecturers. Outcome was great, and we believe that internet content creation shifted up in the entire region after the conference.
Proven internet experts, as Srđan Erceg, Dave Trott, Miloš Čirič, Željko Ptiček, Ivan Brezak Brkan, Borislav Miljanović, Rade Tričković, Igor Savić, Goran Jankulovski, Ivan Ćosić, Ivan Rečević, Hrvoje Hafner, Nikola Vulević, Branislava Antović and Zorana Jovanović, offered great knowledge and experience to the participants. Moreover, „The Books of Knjige“, „Državni posao”, „”, „Tarzanija” and „Braća Burazeri” confirmed their “Kings of content” title.
Blogomania 2013 gained a great deal of public interest, both on the social networks and the traditional media. State Secretary in Ministry of foreign and internal trade and telecommunications, Stefan Lazarevic, have sent one of the most important messages from Blogomania. Mr. Lazarevic stated that Serbia has huge potential in IT development and the chance to become “European Silicon Valley”.
The participants evaluated overall organization with good marks and expressed interest for future events.
So, see you on Blogomania 2014!